Blue Book

Yale College Program of Study (Blue Book)

The mission of Yale College is to seek exceptionally promising students of all backgrounds from across the nation and around the world and to educate them, through mental discipline and social experience, to develop their intellectual, moral, civic, and creative capacities to the fullest. The aim of this education is the cultivation of citizens with a rich awareness of our heritage to lead and serve in every sphere of human activity.

Academic Regulations

As a condition of enrollment in Yale College, every student is required to comply with the academic regulations. Students are expected to familiarize themselves with these regulations, and an assertion of ignorance of their provisions cannot be accepted as a basis for an exception to them. No student or group of students should expect to be warned individually to conform to any of the regulations contained in this publication. Students are advised to pay special attention to all deadlines given in the academic regulations. Students who have questions or concerns about these regulations should consult with their residential college dean.

Yale College Calendar with Pertinent Deadlines

This calendar includes a partial summary of deadlines given in the Academic Regulations and in the Yale College online publication Undergraduate Regulations. Unless otherwise specified, references are to sections in the Academic Regulations, and deadlines fall at 5 p.m.