Art Studio
The Art Studio, located in the basement of Entryway A, is a fully stocked art space which also doubles as our book bindery. The art room is accessible by key, located in a covienient lockbox adjascent to the space, and Silliman residents are encouraged to use the space if and when. Through the term we typically host events in this space from book binding nights to Bob Ross paint a longs to paint and sip events for our Senior students.
For questions about supplies email To make a reservation, go to our Make a Reservation page and fill out the appropriate form.
By making this request you are agreeing to the terms of use.
1. A Silliman student is responsible for the use of the space.
2. All rooms will be put back in order after use.
3. All trash will be removed and placed in a basement trash room.
4. No alcohol will be provided, served, or allowed.
5. All proper security measures will be followed.