College Advisers

First-year Silliman College students are all assigned to a College Adviser for their first year; in subsequent years they may choose to remain with the same adviser or pursue others who may be more closely suited to their field of study. The College Advisers for the 2024-2025 year are listed below.

2024-2025 Silliman College Advisers:

Meenakshi Alreja

Psychiatry and Neuroscience
Email Meenakshi Alreja

Nancy Angoff

General Internal Medicine
Email Nancy Angoff

Susie (LaPosta) Black

Email Susie (LaPosta) Black

Max Claman

Yale College Reunions/Alumni Association
Email Max Claman

Alison Clemens

Manuscripts & Archives, Yale University Library 
Email Alison Clemens

Gwyneth Crowley

Center for Science & Social Science Info.
Email Gwyneth Crowley

Alexandre Debs

Political Science
Email Alexandre Debs

Robert DeSanto

Human Resources
Email Robert DeSanto

Michael Faison

Email Michael Faison

Joseph Fischel

Women’s, Gender & Sexuality Studies
Email Joseph Fischel

Raymond Frohlich

Yale University Library - IT
Email Raymond Frohlich

Dylan Gee

Psychology and Psychiatry
Email Dylan Gee

Joel Getz

Yale School of Management
Email Joel Getz

Abha Gupta

Email Abha Gupta

Kassandra Haro

Resident Fellow; Visitor’s Center
Email Kassandra Haro

Carla Horwitz

Child Study Center
Email Carla Horwitz

Julian Jara-Ettinger

Email Julian Jara-Ettinger

Megan Khan

Email Megan Khan

Amanda Klay

Email Amanda Klay

Peter Knudsen

Engineering and Economics
Email Peter Knudsen

Ferentz Lafargue

Resident Fellow; Assoc. Dean Residential College Life, Yale College, Director Mellon Mays and Edward A. Bouchet Undergraduate Fellowship Programs
Email Ferentz Lafargue

Sophia Lafargue

Resident Fellow
Email Sophia Lafargue

Rosamaria Leon

Spanish & Portuguese
Email Rosamaria Leon

Mark Maxwell

Philosophy ">Email Mark Maxwell

Samuel McDougle

Email Samuel McDougle

A. Mushfiq Mobarak

Management and Economics
Email A. Mushfiq Mobarak

Asia Neupane

The MacMillian Center
Email Asia Neupane

Stefan Nicolescu

Peabody Museum of Natural History
Email Stefan Nicolescu

Pat Preisig

Medicine (Nephrology) and Cellular & Molecular Physiology
Email Pat Preisig

David Reynolds

Physics, Political Science, and Law
Email David Reynolds

Elihu (Hugh) Robertson

Email Elihu (Hugh) Robertson

Mark Roland

The MacMillan Center
Email Mark Roland

Tim Rudner

Computer Science, AI, Statistics and Data Science
Email Tim Rudner

Maytal Saltiel

University Chaplain’s Office
Email Maytal Saltiel

Laurie Santos

Email Laurie Santos

Kyle Schack

Swimming and Diving Assoc. Coach
Email Kyle Schack

Michael Schaffer

History and Business
Email Michael Schaffer

Rachel Sperling

Librarian of Environmental Studies
Email Rachel Sperling

Margherita Tortora

Spanish and Portuguese
Email Margherita Tortora

Daniel Wiznia

Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation
Email Daniel Wiznia

Anna Zayaruznya

Email Anna Zayaruznya